[Paraview] Animation view

Paul Edwards paul.m.edwards at gmail.com
Thu May 15 08:01:53 EDT 2008

Hi Dominik,

Thanks for your response - I found you post in the mailing list.  I'm a bit
confused though - do I have to write my own plugin in order to do anything
with time?  Are there no standard formats available?

I downloaded the data files from here:


When I select to open the file it does group all the files together but it
will only seem to load the first one in.  Do I have to write my own reader
in order to have time steps enabled and return the right data depending on
the time step?  I can't see why there shouldn't be a generic reader to
automatically do this - am I missing something?


2008/5/15 Dominik Szczerba <domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch>:

> I had just been successful with this approach, just check the ML.
> -- Dominik
> Paul Edwards wrote:
>> Hello,
>> How do I create timesteps from a series of unstructured grids and
>> solutions?  At the moment the files are all stored separately.  I have tried
>> making a time series data set following -
>> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Animating_legacy_VTK_file_series - but this
>> only seems to be loading in the first file.  Am I doing something wrong
>> here?
>> Any help would be appreciated,
>> Paul
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> --
> Dominik Szczerba, Ph.D.
> Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich
> http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/~domi <http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/%7Edomi>
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