[Paraview] Animation view

Dominik Szczerba domi at vision.ee.ethz.ch
Thu May 15 07:14:32 EDT 2008

I had just been successful with this approach, just check the ML.
-- Dominik

Paul Edwards wrote:
> Hello,
> How do I create timesteps from a series of unstructured grids and 
> solutions?  At the moment the files are all stored separately.  I have 
> tried making a time series data set following - 
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/Animating_legacy_VTK_file_series - but this 
> only seems to be loading in the first file.  Am I doing something wrong 
> here?
> Any help would be appreciated,
> Paul
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Dominik Szczerba, Ph.D.
Computer Vision Lab CH-8092 Zurich

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