[Paraview] Animated Parameter Annotation

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Fri Mar 21 15:28:00 EDT 2008

Hmmm, very interesting; it could be done using python.
Here a plan:

* create a simple "Text" source proxy.
* add observer to the animated properties vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent.
* in the call-back, change the text of the text source proxy to match 
the value of the property.

A caveat: python event-observers/callbacks don't work in python shell in 
the paraview GUI. However, should work fine with pvpython/pvbatch.


Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> Can an animated parameter be displayed? Something like "Annotate Time" 
> but connected to an animated parameter instead of time.
> Could it be done using pvpython or pvbatch?
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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