[Paraview] 64 bit bug in vtkImageData

Mike Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 13:39:35 EDT 2008

While working with a rather large data set (5GB) I cam across a bug in
the vtkImageData.cxx file.

In the void vtkImageData::AllocateScalars(); method the following
should be used:

  vtkIdType extent[6] ={ this->Extent[0], this->Extent[1], this->Extent[2],
                         this->Extent[3], this->Extent[4], this->Extent[5]};

instead of
  const int* extent = this->Extent;

The second version will lead to over flow errors if the extents are
large enough. (1800x1800x1800 in our case).

Should I file a bug or can someone with cvs access get this reviewed
and committed to cvs.
Mike Jackson
imikejackson _at_ gee-mail dot com

PS: Sorry for the cross post, but I wasn't sure which list to post to.
I was using the vtk from the ParaView CVS Head when i found the bug.

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