[Paraview] paraview3.3.0: Glyph filter ignores ScaleFactor in ascript?

Robert Cimrman cimrman3 at ntc.zcu.cz
Wed Jun 18 12:06:17 EDT 2008

Sylvester Gerardson wrote:
> Concerning scalar bars:
> http://www.paraview.org/pipermail/paraview/2008-January/006766.html

Thanks again!

> The opacity is a property of the representation, I expect. (repGlyph01 is
> the example below)

Yes, simply 'repr.Opacity = 0.5' works for a DataSetSurfaceFilter 
representation. But depending on whether I run my script with python or 
pvpython it does or does not work for a Glyph representation. Strange. I 
have to try installing paraview from sources.

To color the glyphs according to their magnitude I tried to attach a 
lookup table analogously to what Jean Favre advised me:
arrows = servermanager.filters.Glyph( Input = reader )
arrows.SelectInputScalars = [ '', '', '', '', 'p' ]
arrows.SelectInputVectors = [ '1', '', '', '', 'u' ]
arrows.SetScaleMode = 1
arrows.SetOrient = 1
arrows.SetScaleFactor = 0.01
arrows.Source = sourceArrow
arep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation( arrows, view )

lut = servermanager.rendering.PVLookupTable()
lut.RGBPoints = [0, 0, 0, 1,
                  1, 1, 0, 0]
lut.ColorSpace = 1 # HSV

arep.ColorAttributeType = 1
arep.ColorArrayName = 'u'
arep.LookupTable = lut
... But it is ignored.

> Not only is the public documentation sparse on this subject, but the new
> ParaView Guide as well. I am really disappointed in it, as contains hardly
> any more information (if any at all) on python scripting than in the
> Servermanager2.pdf file available in the Wiki.

Well, anyway, thanks to Servermanager2.pdf and the mailing list I have 
already got somewhere. Things start looking promising.

best regards,

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