[Paraview] Setting up IceT

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Wed Jun 18 08:20:10 EDT 2008


Take a look at:


Christian Wohlschlager wrote:
> ** Reply Requested When Convenient **
> Hello !
> Can anybody tell me the correct way to set up ICET with paraview 3.2 
> Now i did folowwing on a 128 Processor Machine::
> Client and Server are the same Machine just other proc.
> on CLient: ./ paraview
> on Server: mpirun -np 3 ./pvrenderserver -tdx=3 
> and            mpirun -np 1 ./pvdataserver
> or
> mpirun -np 4 ./pvserver -tdx=3 
> the result is always that only one screen (:0.0 )  is showing a picture
> not :0.0 plus :0.1 plus :0.2
> I think I did something wrong with the Display Variable.
> thanks
> christian 
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