[Paraview] atom/particle data in Xdmf

Dan Lussier dan.lussier at sjc.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jun 18 05:16:49 EDT 2008


I am looking to put a large amount of existing data into Xdmf format  
but I'm new to setting up Xdmf and using them in Paraview so I was  
hoping for some help in the process.  Here is my situation:

- currently have ASCII data with one system snapshot per file (approx  
100-200 MB per snapshot)
- data set is from atomistic simulation so there is no connectivity  
between any of the data points

Are there any specific recommendations for grid type, topology,  
geometry type etc... that would suit my situation?

If anyone has a sample XML file that fits this type of situation and  
would be willing to share that would be great too!

Many thanks.


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