[Paraview] Success on Building Paraview3.2.2 on Windows

Gang whugang at gmail.com
Wed Jul 16 11:49:12 EDT 2008

           Hi,everyone, after trying times of using series of .Net platforms VS.Net2003, 2005, 2008.

           Now, I would like to share my experiences.

           Firstly, down the Paraview3.2.2 source code from the Paraview offical site.

           Importantly, the along with Qt4.2.3 should be down from the Wiki page like paraview-qt-win-opensource-src-4.2.3.zip 

           unzip the Paraview source code and the Qt source code. like c:\Paraview3.2.2 and c:\Qt

           Edit the system PATH value, add the c:\Qt ;

           Launch VS.net 2005 (the only right version for it as to me). add the lib,include,bin directory from the Tools-->Options.

          Luanch the VS.net2005 command line interface, echo &PATH to check the Qt settings

          In the Qt directory , the installpatch42.bat ,firtstly run it.

          then qconfigue.bat msvc2005 (or just type in qconfigure,see the tips)

          then next just input y , and the latter, nmake it.


          after that, in the c:\Qt\bin, the designer.exe could be launched, (should contain the MainMenu like file,edit,view);


         CMake2.6 to generate the .sln files for VS.Net2005

          Make directory for the building Paraview ,like c:\ParaviewBuild

          Set the soure code directory and building directory. ---Configure it 

         If Need, the Shared library,USE_MPI should set ON

         sometimes you have to mannual add %MPI%/lib/mpi.lib %MPI%/include to the MPI options.

         Take care, there was some error for developers, so do not care about the output messages.

         Genereated it.


         Using VS.Net2005 to open the Paraview.sln , F7, wait for it.....
         After finished it ,in the c:\ParaviewBuild\bin\debug 

         click the paraview.exe.  Best wishes, you would see the right one.


        As to me, VS.net 2008 could successed, but the MainMenu of the designer for Qt and the paraview gone... 

        VS.Net 2003 even could not build at all.


      Best wishes.


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