[Paraview] Request for reader format (x,y,x)

Robert Maynard RobertJMaynard at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 09:05:56 EST 2008

If you are using paraview 3.2 or greater you could always write a python
programmable source, that does the reading.
If the file has a header with x/y/z this should work for you:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from paraview import vtk
import csv

output = self.GetOutput()

points = vtk.vtkPoints()
cells = vtk.vtkCellArray()

file = open("/home/rmaynard/Data/blockModel/fortuna.csv")

header = csv.reader(file).next() #get the header line
csvReader = csv.DictReader(file, header) #make a dict reader with the header
counter = 0 #need to keep track of the amount of cells
for line in csvReader:
  points.InsertNextPoint(float(line['x']), float(line['y']),
float(line['z']))   #add a point change the 'x' etc to what you have in your
  cells.InsertNextCell(1) #each point has its own cell
  counter += 1

output.SetPoints(points) #need to set points
output.SetVerts(cells) #need to set cells as verts

On Jan 22, 2008 5:03 PM, Jim Dow <jdow at aerotecusa.com> wrote:

>  I am looking for a Paraview reader that will read a LIDAR point cloud in
> (x,y,z) coordinates as a space or comma separated .txt file.
> Does anyone know of such a reader?
> Thanks/Jim Dow
> (205) 428-6444
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