[Paraview] Segmentation fault

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Feb 29 16:52:45 EST 2008

Can you start paraview in gdb and post the stack trace (use the there
"where" command)?


On 2/29/08, Murat Gunduz <gunduz at ims.metu.edu.tr> wrote:
>  Dear Paraview users,
>  I am trying to compile Paraview from source code in Linux fedora core7.
>  There is no error during the compiling step. After compiling Paraview.
>  I have added
>  /home/gunduz/soft/paraview3.2/lib/paraview-3.2 to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>  and
>  /home/gunduz/soft/paraview3.2/bin to my PATH
>  After running "paraview" command on my shell,
>  the paraview screen appeared for a while and the program ended
>  with "Segmentation fault" error.
>  Since there is any explanation about the error,
>  I could not figure out what cause segmentation fault.
>  Could you please help, what kind of error could be responsible
>  for this error?
>  Thank you very much in advance,
>  Murat
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