[Paraview] Errors while compiling paraview3 on Windows

Clinton Stimpson clinton at elemtech.com
Thu Feb 28 20:36:22 EST 2008

If you haven't, you'll need to install the Windows SDK to build ParaView 
with VC++ 2008 Express.


Jefferson Thomas wrote:
> Hi
> I have already compiled Paraview 3.2 on Linux without bigger problems. 
> Now I have to do the same on Windows. Im following the instructions 
> from page
> http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView:Build_And_Install
> First problem is that they suppose that the person compiling it has 
> Visual Studio 6 or 7. As far as I could find out Visual Studio is a 
> commercial software so I have downloaded
> the free Visual C++ 2008 Express from page 
> http://www.microsoft.com/japan/msdn/vstudio/express/
> Using it I compiled Qt without problems but while compiling Paraview I 
> get the following errors:
> error C3163: '_vsnprintf : attribute doesnt match the previous declaration
> ......
> fatal error C1083: include could not open file 'GL/glaux' - no such 
> file or directory
> ....
> LINK : fatal error LNK1104: couldnt open file 'vtkParallel.lib'
> and many other *.lib files give that error
> ...
> The configuration Im using is :
> - Windows Vista/Windows XP - the same result on both
> - Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition
> - CMake 2.8 - patch 8
> - Paraview 3.2.1 source downloaded from 
> http://www.paraview.org/New/download.html (because I cant use CVS from 
> where I work)
> What am I doing wrong ?
> Thank you for any help.
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