[Paraview] transparency in volume renderings

Pooja Gupta gpooja23 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 15:44:05 EST 2008

  I am trying to volume render my RECTILINEAR_GRID data on Paraview v 3.0.2.
  I load the data, then apply the 'tetrahedralize' filter on it, select Style:Representation as Volume. Now I try to make my dataset extremely transparent, for which I select 'Edit Color Map...' make the opacity for the entire Color Range as 0. But still I see some residual opacity. My dataset is not absolutely transparent which one would expect. Can someone please suggest me the way to make the dataset absolutely transparent which would mean that it has completely disappeared as it happens when you set Style:Opacity=0 with Style:Representation=Surface.
  Also the problem with the steps so far and thus the reason for it not becoming absolutely transparent.
  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  Thanks in advance,

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