[Paraview] Unable to render Paraview 3D view on the cluster

Cally kalpana0611 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 03:46:20 EST 2008


I managed to install ParaView on the cluster at my lab, the cluster runs on
Linux. And there were no errors, I compiled with MPI, python but I didnt use
Mesa, I read on the wiki pages that its not necessary to install mesa if
graphics hardware exists. Anyway, my cluster does not have any graphic
hardware, but I am using my pc ( run on windows and has graphic hardware) to
connect I use putty and xming. I can render the paraview and it appears but
what I can't see is .. the sources thing like cone, arrow, 3D text, when I
choose and click apply, it loads but nothing appears, paraview does not hang
and it works fine, but I can't see anything appearing in the 3D view. I have
attached a screenshot together with this mail.
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