[Paraview] Display of time dependent unstructured grid separating the pointdata and the grid definition?

Alessandro Bellina bellina at uiuc.edu
Thu Feb 21 07:45:33 EST 2008

hello all,
First of all, I have been using ParaView this year for grad work and
it has really sped things up for me. Great tool!

I am trying to visualize about 200 timesteps (using pvd collection) of
a 50,000 node unstructure grid FEM.  As far I as I understand it, I
need to include in every vtu file (each timestep) both the mesh
definition (i.e. node coords, connectivity, offsets, etc) and
obviously the actual pointdata for that timestep. Now, this is taking
a little bit of time and was wondering if I could simplify this by
breaking the mesh definition and point data into two different files
somehow. I need my model to grow to millions of nodes!

Thank you,


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