[Paraview] Pavaview Scripting: creating objects in Paraview window (instead of an external "OpenGL" one)

Robert Maynard robertjmaynard at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 03:34:24 EST 2008

If you use the python terminal that is built into paraview everything 
should show up correctly, the only thing you will have to learn is how 
to properly register items with the paraview proxy manager so that you 
can also use the items from the Qt interface. The manual you have should 
have a section on registering items.

Olumide wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm gotten my hands on the "Paraview Scripting with Python" doc and 
> I'm working though the code examples. It seems to me that the objects 
> that are created via the python "commands" are created in an external 
> window and not inside Paraview itself (I prefer the latter). Is there 
> a way to have objects created by a python script appear in the 
> Paraview window?
> Thanks,
> - Olumide
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