[Paraview] XYRepresentationPlot

Utkarsh Ayachit utkarsh.ayachit at kitware.com
Tue Feb 19 10:02:38 EST 2008

Hi Olivier,

None of the plotting (bar charts, line charts) views are available 
through pvpython (or pvbatch). There are only accessible in the paraview 
Qt client.


Olivier Ricou wrote:
> Hi,
> The bible (Servermanager2) says:
> " Although it is possible to create representations and views directly by
> instantiating their class objects, we recommend not doing it. Not all 
> views work with all connections types and not all representations work 
> with all view types. " 
> Ok, how can I do if I want to do a XY plot? All I could see seems to 
> be for 3D. I figure I should start with something like that:
> plot=servermanager.rendering.XYPlotRepresentation()
> plot.SetPropertyWithName('Input',filter)
> then I add a view
> view = servermanager.CreateRenderView()
> and now I want to do what thu shall no do, using the XYPlotRep to
> see my results. How should I link the view to the represention (the
> data are in the filter if I'm right)? Can someone help me?
> Olivier.
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