[Paraview] particletracer, vectors menu?

John Biddiscombe biddisco at cscs.ch
Fri Feb 15 07:14:07 EST 2008

Berk wrote:
> This is actually simple to fix. In the filters xml
> (Servers/ServerManager/Resources/filters.xml), ParticleTracer says it
> is expecting a vtkTemporalDataSet input. However, in some cases, the
> input may look like a vtkUnstructuredGrid, for example. The input type
> for ParticleTracer should be set to vtkDataObject to fix this. I am
> attaching a patch. I am not sure this is the best way to fix this in
> the main repository so I am not committing it yet.

I don't know why I had trouble yesterday, but as Berk says, it should be 
vtkDataObject as input not vtkTemporalDataset - and when I put this in, 
I was able to do particle tracing on a volume (vtkImageData) dataset. 
(Didn't try the LEA one, but it's safe to assume it'll work).

For those that care - vtkTemporalDataset should not generally be 
imported directly by a filter, instead the filter should request 
multiple time steps and let the executive create the temporal wrapper. 
We have one use case (referred to in my xdmf post which causes trouble, 
but we'll fix that eventually).


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