[Paraview] Re: multiple embedded Mesh in vtk/vtu

philippe DAVID pdavid at scconsultants.com
Thu Feb 14 12:50:45 EST 2008

First of all, I am new on the mailing list, so I am not sure if I should 
reply to you directly. If not , please instruct on the right procedure.
my current need is to be able to load in paraview both an unstructured 
mesh (which contains my usefull data) and a STL representing
a geometric description. My application use level sets with ficticious 
domains and I have no way to represent the geometry than loading separately
the STL. I would like to describe in the same VTU both the computation 
domain and the surface which describe the geometry, and at a secondary
objective be able to map the data attached to my main mesh (pressure, 
temperature...) to my STL surface.

Hope this clarify the application.
thanks in advance

Philippe DAVID
Sciences Computers Consultants

logo SCC <http://www.scconsultants.com>

paraview-request at paraview.org said the following on 13/02/2008 17:00:
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: What part of the pipeline is producing the	request for
>       UPDATE_EXTENT? (Moreland, Kenneth)
>    2. multiple embedded Mesh in vtk/vtu (philippe DAVID)
>    3. Xdmf Reader/Writer Changes (John Biddiscombe)
>    4. Re: What part of the pipeline is producing the	request	for
>       UPDATE_EXTENT? (Kent Eschenberg)
>    5. Re: Can These Options Be Combined in 3.2.1? (Kent Eschenberg)
>    6. Re: multiple embedded Mesh in vtk/vtu (Berk Geveci)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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