[Paraview] Stream tracing

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Mon Feb 11 11:48:42 EST 2008

Can you post example data or e-mail to me directly?


On 2/11/08, Stefan Murphy <stefan.murphy at dal.ca> wrote:
> I'm seeking the help of a ParaView expert again.
> I've gone through a couple tutorials on generating stream traces, and
> they worked fine, however you can see from the attached image that I
> am not able to make any useful traces with my own data.
> I have 2 problems. First- I would like to use the line source that can
> be seen in my image, however I would like to have more evenly spaced
> seeds on the line, since when they are clustered together (as seen) I
> get the error: "Coincident points in polyline...can't compute
> normals".
> Second- I would like the stream traces to traverse the entire domain.
> I.E. start at the inlet and either cycle around in the vortex behind
> the cylinder, or go to the outlet. Adjusting the "Max.Propagation
> LENGTH" does not seem to do anything after a certain value, and the
> traces seen in my images are as long as I can get them.
> Here is how I generated the image I attached:
> 1. Imported a VTK Unstructured data file containing 3 scalars in cell
> data form: xVelocity, yVelocity, zVelocity.
> 2. Calculated Velocity vector with the calculator with: xVelocity*iHat
> + yVelocity*jHat + zVelocity*kHat.
> 3. Used the "Cell to Point Data" filter to obtain point data for Stream Tracer.
> 4. With CelltoPointData selected, I used the StreamTracer filter, with
> the line source.
> Any ideas or advice?
> Thanks,
> Stefan Murphy
> Dalhousie University
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