[Paraview] Stream tracing

Stefan Murphy stefan.murphy at dal.ca
Mon Feb 11 11:34:23 EST 2008

I'm seeking the help of a ParaView expert again.

I've gone through a couple tutorials on generating stream traces, and
they worked fine, however you can see from the attached image that I
am not able to make any useful traces with my own data.

I have 2 problems. First- I would like to use the line source that can
be seen in my image, however I would like to have more evenly spaced
seeds on the line, since when they are clustered together (as seen) I
get the error: "Coincident points in polyline...can't compute

Second- I would like the stream traces to traverse the entire domain.
I.E. start at the inlet and either cycle around in the vortex behind
the cylinder, or go to the outlet. Adjusting the "Max.Propagation
LENGTH" does not seem to do anything after a certain value, and the
traces seen in my images are as long as I can get them.

Here is how I generated the image I attached:

1. Imported a VTK Unstructured data file containing 3 scalars in cell
data form: xVelocity, yVelocity, zVelocity.
2. Calculated Velocity vector with the calculator with: xVelocity*iHat
+ yVelocity*jHat + zVelocity*kHat.
3. Used the "Cell to Point Data" filter to obtain point data for Stream Tracer.
4. With CelltoPointData selected, I used the StreamTracer filter, with
the line source.

Any ideas or advice?


Stefan Murphy
Dalhousie University
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