[Paraview] Errors from pvbatch

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu Feb 7 13:27:39 EST 2008

The state file works fine when I reload it into paraview but produces many 
errors when loaded by pvbatch. Here's the batch program "scaling.py":

from paraview.servermanager import *
LoadState( "scaling.pvsm" )
view = GetRenderView()
view.WriteImage( "scaling.png", "vtkPNGWriter", 10 )

The strange thing is that it works and produces the expected image! Here are 
the first few error messages:

$ pvbatch scaling.py
ERROR: In VTK/IO/vtkXMLReader.cxx, line 160
vtkPVDReader (0x8d4fd60): File name not specified
ERROR: In Servers/Common/vtkSelfConnection.cxx, line 147
vtkMPISelfConnection (0x83ba938): Failed to locate object with ID: 186
ERROR: In Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMPart.cxx, line 460
vtkSMPart (0x8d569d0): Missing data information.
ERROR: In Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMPart.cxx, line 221
vtkSMPart (0x8d569d0): Missing data information.

I don't see any mention of this in the bug list and I don't remember seeing a 
question about it on this list. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong?

ParaView 3.2.1 from source
g++ 4.1.2
cmake 2.4.6
CentOS release 5
Pentium 4

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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