[Paraview] Time shift not snapping correctly to fractional times

Eric Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Mon Feb 4 11:58:09 EST 2008

Hey John,

It shows up in your PV Meshless, but not it the regular ParaView CVS  
-- thanks for pointing it out. I'll try it in the former for now, but  
if you could commit it to CVS that would be great.

Thanks a lot for the help,

On Feb 4, 2008, at 11:49 AM, John Biddiscombe wrote:

> You can use TemporalSnapToTimeScale to get around any problems  
> caused by the executive not getting it right.
> If it's not in CVS, then I'll commit it right away
> JB
>> Hello,
>> I've recently been using the Temporal Shift Scale filter with data  
>> defined as having time steps every 0.1 units. In this situation,  
>> time does not always increment or "snap" properly to the data's  
>> defined time steps. (ParaView 3.3 cvs)
>> Attached is a toy data set consisting of a single point which  
>> travels around a radius=10 circle in the XY plane over time -- VTK  
>> XML Unstructured Grid files along with PVD files describing the  
>> time. One PVD file has time defined in 0.1 unit steps (dt01), the  
>> other is the same data defining time in 1.0 unit steps (dt1).   
>> Note: To easily get the camera view correct, you might want to add  
>> a box source with sides = 20, viewed in outline mode.
>> If the pipeline consists of the original data, defined on 0.1 unit  
>> time steps, plus a Temporal Shift Scale with Shift = 0.1, and both  
>> the original and time shifted points are being viewed, then when  
>> time is incremented (say, though pressing the "up arrow" next to  
>> the Time display) the points should follow each other around the  
>> circle with an even spacing. Sometimes both points move forward  
>> properly, but sometimes the forward one pauses and the other  
>> "catches up", and sometimes the back one pauses and the forward one  
>> gets "ahead". Annotate Time also does not always increment  
>> properly, either.
>> If you use the PVD file with 1.0 unit time steps, and a TSS filter  
>> with shift=1.0, then this doesn't  happen.
>> Is this to be expected with how the time-snapping works with  
>> fractional time?
>> Thanks,
>> -Eric
>> P.S. Sorry I used the word "cell" in the data set name: the sim  
>> output I'm really trying to visualize is of biological cells  
>> diffusing in space. It's really point data on an unstructured grid.
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Eric E. Monson
>> Duke Visualization Technology Group
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> -- 
> John Biddiscombe,                            email:biddisco @ cscs.ch
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