[Paraview] Trouble making stream traces

Dan Goldstein dan at cora.nwra.com
Tue May 29 20:59:22 EDT 2007

Hi John,
   I too have found the stream traces filter hard. While I have not 
figured it all out it seems most of the troubles I have had were related 
to bad cell connectivity in the data set. I took your data and made a 
little picture with stream traces. To get it to work I had to first run 
through the "tetrahedralize" filter. I believe that doing this fixes the 
internal cell connectivities. I am sure someone from KiteWare can give a 
real answer to what it is really doing. I hope this helps:


John Fettig wrote:
> I'm having trouble creating stream traces on a data set that I
> generated...it seems no matter what parameters I choose, I can't get
> more than a fraction of the domain swept.  Could somebody take a look at
> my dataset and see if there is something obviously wrong with it (I
> generate the vtu XML file myself, from inside a fortran code), or how I
> can get stream traces?
> http://mithlond.mechse.uiuc.edu/~jfettig/velo0000000000.vtu.bz2
> John
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