[Paraview] External Surface and Cell Blanking

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Thu May 17 17:31:38 EDT 2007

I have a reader producing vtkStructuredGrid data with cell blanking that 
operates as expected with a cut. However, the external surface module always 
shows everything w/out respect for the blanking. This is a large, transient 
data set so I'd rather not use Threshold which converts it all to an 
unstructured grid.

Should the external surface module honor blanking? Is there a nice summary of 
which ParaView/VTK filters honor node and/or cell blanking?

Most of the blanked cells are in groups around the edges. I could figure out 
which nodes are never used and also set node blanking. Would that help?

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,

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