[Paraview] Viewing meshless data

Jean Favre jfavre at cscs.ch
Tue Mar 20 11:14:40 EST 2007

Parker, Andrew (UK) wrote:
> Dear All,
> Very new to this.  Want to know what the best format to work with 
> would be if I wanted to view meshless cfd data, i.e. it is just points 
> in 3D with flow field data??
I guess you are talking about file format on disk.
I recommend the use of the EnSight Gold format. I have written an API 
for C++ and FORTRAN which you can link into your code to write the case 
file, the geometry files, the scalar fields and the vector fields. It is 
efficient (writes in binary). Support transient data. Tested with pgcc6, 
gcc 4.1, f77, pgf90
We have the code embedded in at least two SPH applications.

The files created are readable by EnSight and ParaView.

drop me a mail if you are interested,
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