[Paraview] Input text

Gerald Labedz labedz1 at email.mot.com
Fri Mar 16 11:00:55 EST 2007

Kevin and List, 
  Just a comment for the ParaView and vtk list: as a total newcomer to this
code but not to statistics or scientific visualization (though inactive for
a number of years), I'm pretty surprised that a simple ascii column (or
ordered n-tuple) reader was not put in here long ago! That threw me off, as
I just expected it to be available with zero effort. These days, it is
possible to do fairly sophisticated work even in what used to be junk tools.
For example, in Excel, generating tens of thousands of points, and needing
something much better than what Excel or similar programs provide for actual
analysis. It might be wise to expand the user community to those working in
such ways. I have a custom-written MPI beast of a simulator, yet, the
results are just ascii dumped as files, because to us, speed of construction
trumps all.
  thanks again for your help.

On 3/16/07 9:12 AM, "Kevin  H. Hobbs" <hobbsk at ohiou.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 09:22 -0500, Gerald Labedz wrote:
>> Kevin
>>   OK, I confess I'm still stuck. All I'm wanting to do is read an ascii file
>> in the form x(n), y(n), z(n), a1(n), a2(n), . . .  Where xyz are spatial and
>> an are other attributes for colorizing or other viz tricks.
>>   I really don't know where to go with the c++ VTK code you sent me (being
>> new to this, and not even having the VTK documentation).
> The C++/vtk code I sent you reads any 4 columns of a file like yours,
> and then writes it out as a vtp file you can read with paraview.
>>   I looked at the particle viewer web page you sent me to, which also left
>> me ice cold -- not knowing what to do. Namely, how do I get the vtk particle
>> reader to work from ParaView?
> Just pick 4 of your columns and put them into one file :
> awk < your_file.txt '{print $x, $y, $z, $v}' > new_file.csv
> The paraview CSV reader should be able to read this file.

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