[Paraview] Input text

Gerald Labedz labedz1 at email.mot.com
Thu Mar 15 09:22:41 EST 2007

  OK, I confess I'm still stuck. All I'm wanting to do is read an ascii file
in the form x(n), y(n), z(n), a1(n), a2(n), . . .  Where xyz are spatial and
an are other attributes for colorizing or other viz tricks.
  I really don't know where to go with the c++ VTK code you sent me (being
new to this, and not even having the VTK documentation).
  I looked at the particle viewer web page you sent me to, which also left
me ice cold -- not knowing what to do. Namely, how do I get the vtk particle
reader to work from ParaView?
  I've been roughly through the ParaView book and see where you bring in a
package, so, how do I get this simple package? I also see the ParaView XML
for reading in files, but, then don't I need a reader for those files? Back
to the beginning!
  It seems I must be missing something. There's gotta be something dumb for
simply structured ASCII, namely, something to use with import package. My
files are not that huge (yet) and I was hoping to go up the learning curve a
bit later.
  Or am I just nuts and have to plow through VTK first.
Gerry Labedz

On 3/2/07 4:05 PM, "Kevin H. Hobbs" <hobbsk at ohiou.edu> wrote:

> On Fri, 2007-03-02 at 15:25 -0600, Gerald Labedz wrote:
>> Kevin
>>   thanks for the speedy reply. My data are points on an x-y plane,
>> "randomly" distributed. These points are items in 2D space, but each item
>> with several variables. So your suggestion of the particle reader may fit. I
>> can massage the data into that format. Integer or floats? Spaces or tabs?
>> Extension? Is this in ParaView, or do I have to get it from somewhere? I
>> guess I can figure that out. I'll be back it I'm stuck.
>> Thanks again.
>> Gerry Labedz
> Please keep the discussion on the list ( CC paraview at paraview.org or
> just hit reply to all ) There are lots of people doing the same thing
> out there.
> Paraview can absolutely display this sort of data. It might be a bit
> easier to process the data with VTK a bit first. The last time I tried
> getting to that reader in the paraview interface was a bit clunky.
> Take a look at :
> http://www.vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkParticleReader.html
> I am also attaching a VTK program that reads a multi column file and
> makes points with values out of it. Other people have done similar
> things. You could adapt it in many ways.

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