[Paraview] elevation data read as image data

Bikash Agarwal agarwa4 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 15:35:21 EST 2007

You need to run the dataset through the "Clean to Grid" filter first. This
merges points and converts to unstructured grid. Then use the "Warp(Scalar)"
filter to get the elevation. You might have to change the scalefactor to get
the desired elevation.


On 3/9/07, Jack Gundrum <jsg3 at psu.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a large structured grid dataset (6060x6060) that has an elevation
> data point associated with  point.  I want to covert the
> data ParaView thinks is image data to a 3D elevation model. I assume
> this has come up before and I have tried the logical filters
> like elevation:)  has anybody done this?
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