[Paraview] Some additional material

Wylie, Brian bnwylie at sandia.gov
Wed Jun 13 10:43:17 EDT 2007


If you actually want to fix the problem with 'Server Side rendering' you
should ask yourself the following question

1) Do the server nodes have graphic cards AND do I have administrative
control of the machines?

If so then fix the x window issue as described below
If they answer is no (for either reason) then compile the server with
Mesa instead of GL.

  Brian Wylie - Org 1424
  Sandia National Laboratories
  MS 0822 - Building 880/A1-J
  (505)844-2238 FAX(505)845-0833    
       _______ __
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            VTK Informatics Toolkit

**** Wiki content ****

1) On all of your internal cluster nodes, create a /etc/X<n>.hosts that
contains the hostnames of the login nodes. This will allow the logins
remote access to the local X server on display <n>. If you only have one
display 0, then create an /etc/X0.hosts. Depending on the cluster setup
you may want to put in both the fully qualified hostname (fqdn) and the
short hostname of your login nodes. So something like,

#cat /etc/X0.hosts

If you want to be more explicit:

#cat /etc/X0.hosts

Functionally, they should be equivalent.

2) A more secure method is to define an XAUTHORITY environment variable.
Depending on your setup, ssh may do this upon login for you. If it's not
setup automatically for you, you can define the variable (eg, in bash
export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority). When doing an interactive qsub,
you can do a 'qsub -V' to inherit the XAUTHORITY variable. For a batch
qsub, define the variable XAUTHORITY your script. This all assumes a
shared home directory (meaning you don't have to propagate the magic
cookie to the intenral cluster nodes), and that ssh is enabled
everywhere with X11 forwarding. It also assumes you initially ssh'ed to
the login node with X11 forwarding. You can ignore any xauth messages
complaining about locking your $HOME/.Xauthority.

**** End Wiki content ****

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