[Paraview] transient data

Bruno Fletcher brunofletcher at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 09:16:36 EDT 2007

Hi there.

You can to create an XML based *.pvd file which will link all the
*.vts files in paraview. The file should look something like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian"
  <DataSet timestep="0" group="" part="0" file="Foo_001.vts "/>
<DataSet timestep="1" group="" part="0" file=" Foo_002.vts"/>
<DataSet timestep="2" group="" part="0" file=" Foo_003.vts "/>

"DataSet timestep" tells paraview which timestep it should animate,
and "part" is a variable that you could increment if you had a
multi-block dataset (each block should have its own file).

Save the file with the pvd extension, and open the pvd file within
ParaView to animate.

This is what I've been doing. Not sure if this is the best practice :).

Bruno Fletcher

On 6/11/07, Oliver Gloth <oliver.gloth at engits.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been using ParaView for quite some time no to visualise CFD data. So
> far I have created multiple data files to visualise transient data:
> Foo_001.vts
> Foo_002.vts
> Foo_003.vts
> ParaView used to automatically enable the filename as a parameter for an
> animation. Apparently this feature is not supported in the current release,
> but will be back in the future. Is there a better way to deal with transient
> data files? What would be the recommended best practice to create an
> animation from a transient simulation?
> Thanks for any advice,
> Oliver
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