[Paraview] reflection filter-mirror half solution

Simone Crippa crippa at kth.se
Wed Jan 24 03:43:39 EST 2007

That's right ... I never noticed a difference since I just have surface 
datasets. Thanks for pointing this out, now I'll take a closer look.


Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> Scaling by (-1,-1,-1) mean you are reflecting the object about all 3 planes, not just the y-plane. Your screen shots look correct given that scaling.
> Are you sure this is what you want? This corresponds to turning the object inside-out. If you had instead used a scaling of (1,-1,1) the copy would be reflected about just the y-plane, and the copy would be adjacent to the original so that, together, they looked like a single object.
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
> -- crippa at kth.se wrote:
>>Kent Eschenberg wrote:
>>>-- crippa at kth.se wrote:
>>>>I use "vtkTransformFilter"; Filter->Transform (PV2.4). I then specify a transformation of: Translate: 0 0 0 ; Scale: -1 -1 -1 ; Orientation: 0 180 0 ... for e.g. getting a reflection about the y-plane.
>>>Do you mean Scale: 1 -1 1?
>>Nope ... I mean Scale: -1 -1 -1 ... at least, that's how it worked for me, see screenshots.

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