[Paraview] paraview binary on osx intel

epifanio massimodisasha at yahoo.it
Sun Jan 7 15:43:51 EST 2007

hi, i've downloaded the paraview binary,
i uncompressed it and copy the "paraview-folder"
into /usr/local

then i add this line to my .bash-profile:

export PATH=/usr/local/paraview/bin:$PATH

but when i try to run paraview, i've this error :

computer-di-epifanio:~ epifanio$ paraview
(515) malloc: ***  Deallocation of a pointer not malloced:  
0xa0b1ad9c; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the  
middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable  
MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
(515) malloc: ***  Deallocation of a pointer not malloced:  
0xa0b1ad9c; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the  
middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable  
MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
(515) malloc: ***  Deallocation of a pointer not malloced:  
0xa0b1ad9c; This could be a double free(), or free() called with the  
middle of an allocated block; Try setting environment variable  
MallocHelp to see tools to help debug
Segmentation fault

can you help me?


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