[Paraview] Opening/exporting transient Ensight files

Renato N. Elias rnelias at nacad.ufrj.br
Wed Feb 28 19:21:16 EST 2007

Hy everybody,

I wonder know if anyone have already tried to use PV to convert files. As
the newest versions of PV do not have full support for Ensight files, I was
thinking about writing a batch script (or something similar) to open Ensight
files and export them in PVD (or any other vtk-like-format). I tried it in
PV 2.2.1 but PV only saved the last time step (even notifying that it would
be saving all the transient data). 

I still keep using PV 2.2.1 since it was the last version which has support
to "append datasets" and "clean to grid" filters. I was intending to open my
pieces of parallel model (several case files each one pointing to other
transient data), append and clean everything in PV 2.2.1 and export the
resulting dataset in other more well supported format. Is it feasible?

Thanks for any help

Ps.: Just a question for Kitware developers:

- As VTK/PV file formats are XML based, why is there a zillion of different
file extensions (pvd, vtp, vtu, vti, vtr, vtm)? The kind of the stored data
should be included in a XML field of a general purposed file extension.

Renato N. Elias
PhD Student (http://www.nacad.ufrj.br/~rnelias)
High Performance Computing Center
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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