[Paraview] large elevation data file

Jack Gundrum jsg3 at psu.edu
Thu Feb 22 10:25:38 EST 2007


Thanks for your response. Actually I got the data from someone running 
windows who was using a VTK script to down sample it by a factor of 4 to 
get it to load.
I am using a 64-bit Linux box with 6 GB of ram that will load the data 
file in ParaView but crashes if I try to apply a filter. I tried to run 
on a cluster in client/server
mode but was unable to load the data because of the file size (unable to 
allocate xxx float error) . The whole data set will not load at all in 
VTK (64-bit build).
It just seems to big to work with as a single file so should I break it 
into smaller files for ParaView, and would that fix the (unable to 
allocate xxx float error)?

Paul Adams wrote:
> Are you running under Windows or Linux?  I have had many "large" vtk 
> data sets that crash ParaView on a Windows system because it cannot 
> allocate the memory.  These same vtk data sets load correctly under 
> Linux.  I was able to get a simple dataset based on your description 
> to load under Linux.  The same dataset would not load in ParaView 
> under Windows.  The reason that this occurs is the default windows 
> version of ParaView is 32-bit.  32-bit memory addressing under Windows 
> is slightly less than 2 GB.  According to "top" on Linux, ParaView is 
> running at 2GB.  (FYI: My Windows machine is running Windows XP 64-bit 
> and has 8 GB of RAM.)
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <math.h>
> int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
> {
>    FILE *out;
>    int i, j;
>    out = fopen("test.vtk", "w");
>    if (!out) {
>      fprintf(stderr, "Write failed: can't open file to write.\n");
>      exit(1);
>    }
>    fprintf(out,"# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n");
>    fprintf(out,"elevation\n");
>    fprintf(out,"ASCII\n");
>    fprintf(out,"DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n");
>    fprintf(out,"DIMENSIONS 6060 6060 1\n");
>    fprintf(out,"ORIGIN 0 0 0\n");
>    fprintf(out,"SPACING 1 1 1\n");
>    fprintf(out,"POINT_DATA 36723600\n");
>    fprintf(out,"SCALARS elevation float 1\n");
>    fprintf(out,"LOOKUP_TABLE default\n");
>    for (i=0;i<6060;i++)
>    {
>      for (j=0;j<6060;j++)
>      {
>         fprintf(out,"%f\n",(float)j);
>      }
>    }
>    fclose(out);
>    return 0;
> }
> Paul Adams
> http://wiki.vizworld.com/index.php/ParaView
> On 2/21/07, *Jack Gundrum* < jsg3 at psu.edu <mailto:jsg3 at psu.edu>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have a LIDAR data file that is too large to load in ParaView.  I
>     define it as a vtk file with the header
>     # vtk DataFile Version 2.0
>     elevation
>     ASCII
>     DIMENSIONS 6060 6060 1
>     ORIGIN 0 0 0
>     SPACING 1 1 1
>     POINT_DATA 36723600
>     SCALARS elevation float 1
>     LOOKUP_TABLE default
>     ParaView blows up with an error vtkFloatArray: Unable to allocate xxx
>     elements.
>     Should I partition the data file somehow to work with ParaView, or
>     did I
>     define the header info wrong?
>     Any ideas welcome.
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