[Paraview] Parallel anomoly

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Feb 9 11:42:37 EST 2007

Can you try a sample mpi program? I think mpich comes with cpi. The fact
that ssh is escaping the arguments looks strange.


On 2/9/07, James Galbraith <james.galbraith at inl.gov> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have built ParaView 2.4.4 enabling mpi and offscreen rendering to be
> used on some of our servers.  I am seeing some an anomoly in the command
> line of the resulting processes when I do a ps.
> I initially start pvclient -rc.  I then runn pvserver with the following
> command line:
>     mpirun -np 2 /home/galbja/paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver -rc
> --use-offscreen-rendering
> Everything connects and the GUI comes up.  But when I do a ps on the
> server, here is what I see (cleaned out a bit so it is readable):
> 10535 19740  1 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00 /bin/sh mpirun -np 2
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver -rc --use-offscreen-rendering
> 10619 10535 14 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real -rc --use-offscreen-rendering -p4pg
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/PI10535 -p4wd paraview-2.4.4-bin
> 10620 10619  0 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real -rc --use-offscreen-rendering -p4pg
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/PI10535 -p4wd paraview-2.4.4-bin
> 10621 10619  0 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00 ssh smclinux -l galbja -n
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver smclinux 14663 \-p4amslave \-p4yourname
> smclinux \-p4rmrank 1
> 10622 19492  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 sshd: galbja
> [priv]
> 10624 10622  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 sshd:
> galbja at notty
> 10625 10624 16 09:20 ?        00:00:00
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real smclinux 14663   4amslave
> -p4yourname smclinux -p4rmrank 1
> 10647 10625  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00
> paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real smclinux 14663   4amslave
> -p4yourname smclinux -p4rmrank 1
> My question is this.  On the last two lines, the "-p4amslave" argments
> have been changed to "4amslave" somewhere along the line.
> When I open a file and accept it, the head node appears to be doing most
> if not all the work.  The "slave" process isn't doing squat.  It renders
> but it appears to be that the parallel capabilities aren't being used.
> Where have I gone awry?  This is happening on our cluster, and on a
> dual-quadcore machine.  When I run on our smp machine, everything is
> fine - but it is using a different (SGI) mpi implementation.  Everything
> else is using mpich.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Jim
> --
> "To Do Is To Be" - Plato
> "To Be is To Do" - Descartes
> "Do Be Do Be Do" - Sinatra
> James A. Galbraith
> Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
> Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA)
> P.O. box 1625
> Idaho Falls, ID  83415-3779
> James.Galbraith at inl.gov
> (208)526-1864
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Berk Geveci
Kitware Inc.
28 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY, 12065
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