[Paraview] Parallel anomoly

James Galbraith james.galbraith at inl.gov
Fri Feb 9 11:31:28 EST 2007


I have built ParaView 2.4.4 enabling mpi and offscreen rendering to be 
used on some of our servers.  I am seeing some an anomoly in the command 
line of the resulting processes when I do a ps. 

I initially start pvclient -rc.  I then runn pvserver with the following 
command line:
    mpirun -np 2 /home/galbja/paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver -rc 

Everything connects and the GUI comes up.  But when I do a ps on the 
server, here is what I see (cleaned out a bit so it is readable):
10535 19740  1 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00 /bin/sh mpirun -np 2 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver -rc --use-offscreen-rendering
10619 10535 14 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real -rc --use-offscreen-rendering -p4pg 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/PI10535 -p4wd paraview-2.4.4-bin
10620 10619  0 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real -rc --use-offscreen-rendering -p4pg 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/PI10535 -p4wd paraview-2.4.4-bin
10621 10619  0 09:20 pts/2    00:00:00 ssh smclinux -l galbja -n 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver smclinux 14663 \-p4amslave \-p4yourname 
smclinux \-p4rmrank 1
10622 19492  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 sshd: galbja 
10624 10622  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 sshd: 
galbja at notty                                
10625 10624 16 09:20 ?        00:00:00 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real smclinux 14663   4amslave 
-p4yourname smclinux -p4rmrank 1
10647 10625  0 09:20 ?        00:00:00 
paraview-2.4.4-bin/bin/pvserver-real smclinux 14663   4amslave 
-p4yourname smclinux -p4rmrank 1

My question is this.  On the last two lines, the "-p4amslave" argments 
have been changed to "4amslave" somewhere along the line.

When I open a file and accept it, the head node appears to be doing most 
if not all the work.  The "slave" process isn't doing squat.  It renders 
but it appears to be that the parallel capabilities aren't being used. 

Where have I gone awry?  This is happening on our cluster, and on a 
dual-quadcore machine.  When I run on our smp machine, everything is 
fine - but it is using a different (SGI) mpi implementation.  Everything 
else is using mpich.

Thanks in advance for your help.


"To Do Is To Be" - Plato
"To Be is To Do" - Descartes
"Do Be Do Be Do" - Sinatra

James A. Galbraith
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)
Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA)
P.O. box 1625
Idaho Falls, ID  83415-3779
James.Galbraith at inl.gov

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