[Paraview] Deformation Field Scaling

Kevin Ming ming.kevin at gmail.com
Wed Feb 7 15:34:00 EST 2007


Does the isosurface generation generate in an absolute, 1:1 scale according
to the data?  And does the glyph generator generate deformation fields in an
absolute, 1:1 scale according to the data given?

The deformation fields I get for the deformations of an image don't seem to
match up to the geometry of the image, even when the scale factor of the
glyph generation is set to 1.  That is to say, I expect the glyphs/arrows at
any particular point to extend exactly from the before deformation image to
the corresponding point on the after deformation image (e.g glyph should
span exactly between a corner of a box and the corresponding corner on the
box after a deformation, and not be longer or shorter than that).  The data
given to the glyph generator, resulting from an image registration algorithm
in ITK, is correct, and has been tested to have minimal error.

Or does glyph generation not work this way?

Thank you,
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