[Paraview] Re:Loading netCDF files in Paraview

peter.loewe at gmx.de peter.loewe at gmx.de
Wed Dec 19 05:29:13 EST 2007

Hello Lester,

>I was wondering if it is possible to convert to or from netCDF format to >VTK? I use the Windows version of Paraview (v3.2.1) The netCDF format is >a fundamental part of Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and widely used in >geophysics, so it would be useful to be able to load up single or >multiple netCDF grids into VTK for use in volume rendering and generation >of isosurfaces.

you could use GRASS GIS (www.grass.itc.it) for a workaround:

Import the netCDF data into GRASS using v.in.ogr and export it to VTK by using v.out.vtk (or r3.out.vtk) 

Dr. Peter Löwe
<peter.loewe at gmx.de>

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