[Paraview] Client server problems in running 3.2.1 on SVA

Moreland, Kenneth kmorel at sandia.gov
Tue Dec 18 14:25:36 EST 2007

Problem 1: Do not use mpirun with the paraview executable.  The ParaView
client is a serial application and should not be launched with mpirun.

Problem 2: Only launch the server with one mpirun command.  Use the -np
argument to mpirun to specify how many processes you want the server to
run in (in your case, probably 2).  If your MPI environment it set up
right, mpirun will automatically launch it on n2 and n3.  If not, either
change your MPI configuration or provide a machines file to mpirun to
specify on which hosts to run on.  The instructions for doing that vary
based on MPI implementations and installations.  Talk to your system
administrators for more information.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: paraview-bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at paraview.org
> bounces+kmorel=sandia.gov at paraview.org] On Behalf Of Manjunath
> Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 11:00 PM
> To: paraview at paraview.org
> Subject: [Paraview] Client server problems in running 3.2.1 on SVA
> Hello,
>  I am trying to run Paraview 3.2.1 in client server mode. So here is
> my setup, I have a cluster
> of workstations n[1-3]. I launch the client on n1 and reverse connect
> to my servers on n2 and n3.
> I am running the client like this
> $[n1] mpirun <...other MPI options...> paraview -s=n2 -s=n3
> and server like this
> $[n2] mpirun <...other MPI options...> pvserver -rc --client-host=n1
> -tdx=2 -tdy=1
> and
> $[n3] mpirun <...other MPI options...> pvserver -rc --client-host=n1
> -tdx=2 -tdy=1
> but paraview connects only to n3 but not to n2.
> I figured out from the list and corresponding with Weiguang that by
> creating a
> servers.pvsc file in .config/ParaView/servers.pvsc and adding
> <Servers>
>   <Server name="builtin" resource="builtin:">
>     <ManualStartup/>
>   </Server>
>   <Server name="n2" resource="csrc://n2:11111">
>     <ManualStartup/>
>   </Server>
>   <Server name="n3" resource="csrc://n3:11111">
>     <ManualStartup/>
>   </Server>
> </Servers>
> I can't get the client to connect, when I remove the
> --server=<nodename> line on the client, it does not
> read the above file and does not connect. I have to manually say
> file->connect and connect to a selected
> server, but once I connect to one of them, it drops the connection
> another server. Has the ability to
> connect to multiple servers been disabled in 3.2.1 ?
> I want to run one client and multiple servers to have a multi-tiled
> display.
> Regards,
> Manju
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