[Paraview] Custom Filter Not Seen in 3.2.1 Filter Menu

clinton at elemtech.com clinton at elemtech.com
Wed Dec 12 17:58:56 EST 2007

Your files work for me.  "Failed to parse" means there's a syntax error in the 
xml file.  But I don't see one in the file you gave.


On Wednesday 12 December 2007 1:21:17 pm Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> Thanks, Clint. Unfortunately there still seems to be something wrong. I've
> attached the most relevant files. No errors or warnings during make but the
> following is printed when ParaView starts and the new filter is not
> available:
> ======
> Failed to parse  ":/ParaViewResources/cloudGUI.xml"
> Failed to parse  ":/ParaViewResources/cloudGUI.xml"
> Failed to load  ":/ParaViewResources/cloudGUI.xml"
> Failed to load  ":/ParaViewResources/cloudGUI.xml"
> ======
> The actual path to that xml file is
> /home/eschenbe/PV/Kits/Cloud/cloudGUI.xml .
> Suggestions?
> Kent
> clinton at elemtech.com wrote:
> > I see now why it isn't showing up.  At startup, the entries in the
> > filters menu are the ones listed in
> > ParaView3/Qt/Components/Resources/XML/ParaViewFilters.xml.
> > If any new ones are introduced after startup, they are added, which is
> > why it works with plugins.
> >
> > To get it in there, try this...
> > === cloudGUI.xml ===
> > <ParaViewFilters>
> >   <Filter name="Cloud" />
> > </ParaViewFilters>
> > ================
> >
> > Then add this in your cloudParaViewImport.cmake file.
> >
> > Hmm.. I wish that wasn't necessary.
> >
> > For fun, if you want to make your own menu category, you could do
> > <ParaViewFilters>
> >   <Category name="CloudFilters" menu_label="&amp;CloudFilters">
> >     <Filter name="Cloud"/>
> >   </Category>
> >   <Filter name="Cloud" />
> > </ParaViewFilters>
> >
> >
> > Clint
> >
> > On Tuesday 11 December 2007 3:08:31 pm Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> >> Clint: Thanks! Yes and yes; files attached.  - Kent
> >>
> >> clinton at elemtech.com wrote:
> >>> Are your custom filters in the "filters" group in your server manager
> >>> xml? <ProxyGroup name="filters">
> >>>
> >>> And your server manager xml for the filters was added to the build
> >>>
> >>> Clint
> >>>
> >>> On Tuesday 11 December 2007 2:40:22 pm Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> >>>> Using the notes at
> >>>>
> >>>>     http://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ExtendingParaView
> >>>>
> >>>> I've successfully added two custom readers to 3.2.1. However my custom
> >>>> filter does not show up in the pulldown menu for filters. All 3 are
> >>>> assigned to
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> and the "USE" and "ON" CMake options for all 3 are set. The debugger
> >>>> can find the constructor for the custom filter. Is there anything
> >>>> needed to add the name of the custom filter to the filter menu?
> >>>>
> >>>> The Tools->Manage Plugins menu is empty.
> >>>>
> >>>> TIA!
> >>>> Kent
> >>>> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

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