[Paraview] XDMF reads as Multi-group Dataset

Eric Monson emonson at cs.duke.edu
Thu Dec 6 10:06:21 EST 2007

Hey Dave,

Thanks for the reply.

> Berk can correct me if I am wrong, but that is a limitation of
> Paraview. Once an atomic dataset is put into a composite data set, it
> can't be pulled out back into the atomic dataset's type. We hope to
> have it fixed for the upcoming 3.4 release. The new XDMF reader, which
> I hope to have ready in a week or two, will produce atomic datasets
> when there is only a single grid in the file.

It sounds like the issue you are trying to address with the new XDMF  
reader is at the root of my problem -- XDMF files containing a single  
grid are being read in to ParaView as a Multi-group dataset. Right now  
I can't get any XDMF file to read in as a pure type.

> This sounds like a bug in the new XDMF library. You might want to ping
> the xdmf mailing list (xdmf at lists.kitware.com) to see if any one is
> aware of the issue, has a workaround or is working on a solution.
> Perhaps the ARL group knows more than I.

Thanks for letting me know about the XDMF mailing list. I hadn't seen  
any reference to that before.

Reading through the XDMF v. 2.0 Model & Format page again, I noticed  
the sentence: "For unstructured topologies the Topology element must  
contain a DataItem that defines the connectivity." This doesn't make  
sense (to me :) for Polyvertex topologies, which they define as "a  
group of unconnected points". I'll see if anyone can give me more  
insight on that, or suggest a workaround.

Talk to you later,

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