Fwd: [Paraview] 3.2.1 Server Crashes When Select COR

Kent Eschenberg eschenbe at psc.edu
Mon Dec 3 16:31:16 EST 2007

My mistake - I was using the 3.2 server when I meant to use the 3.2.1 server. 
The client is 3.2.1. Using the right server there is no problem.


Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> Hi Kent,
> I wasn't able to reproduce the problem with the center of rotation. Can 
> you verify that the Servers/Filter/vtkPVDesktopDeliveryServer.h has the 
> following defined:
>   // Description:
>   // Capture Z buffer from render window on end render. Works only when
>   // ParallelRenderManager is 0.
>   vtkSetMacro(CaptureZBuffer, int);
>   vtkGetMacro(CaptureZBuffer, int);
> Utkarsh

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