[Paraview] Debugger for Paraview 2.4

Vinicius Pessôa vpessoa at lncc.br
Wed Apr 18 13:26:53 EDT 2007

Hi everybody

When Paraview 2.4 is compiled with Shared Libs OFF, it stores all the
debug information and gdb works perfectly. But when I try to import my XML
packages, Paraview looks for .SO libraries, but only .A was created.

So, it seems that we MUST use Shared Libs ON on Paraview so we can import
our packages. When I build it with dynamic libraries, and import my XML
packages, it works. The problem is that when I build it with dynamic
libraries, it doesn't stores any debug information (yes, I'm filling the
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE field with the string "Debug" in both cases).

So, does any one have any idea of how can I build it with shared libs on
and still have the debugger working? Or even, if it's possible to make
Paraview to point to my .A libraries (static) and perform the load of my
XML modules?

Please, any ideas are welcome.

Thank's to all for your time.

[ ]'s
Vinicius Pessôa
Analista de Sistemas
Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
+55 (24) 2242-9498
+55 (24) 8803-7061

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