[Paraview] Compile Errors with ParaView and my own Modules

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Sun Nov 12 13:49:21 EST 2006

Well I got ParaView to compile by switching the XML files around. So now
when I launch ParaView I get the following Error:

I compiled in Debug Mode and turned on debug in all my vtkObject derived

505:[mjackson at Thor:..enSource/pvbuild/bin]$ ./paraview
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid
Abort trap

I also compiled without my modules and ParaView compiles and runs just fine.
Is there something different about compiling the modules into ParaView
versus using the "Import Package" from ParaView itself?


On 11/12/06 9:56 AM, "Mike Jackson" <mike.jackson at imts.us> wrote:

> I am trying to have my own libraries compiled into ParaView but I am getting
> an error that I think is related to the XML files.
>  I know that everything works as a separate library because I can compile up
> everything, launch ParaView, select "Import Package", select my package xml
> file and then load my data.
> I followed the instructions in the ParaView Book to create the
> XXXParaViewImport.cmake file. I then went through ccmake and setup
> everything in there and then stated compiling.
> Here is the error:
> -- Generate module: rendering
> -- Generate module: writers
> Cannot extract module name from the file:
> /Users/mjackson/Projects/Task_4/PVDislocationModules/PVDislocationModules.pv
> sm
> make[2]: *** [Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMGeneratedModules.h] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [Servers/ServerManager/CMakeFiles/vtkPVServerManager.dir/all]
> Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> This is on OS X (10.4.8) with the latest Dev Tools (Xcode 2.4.1) although I
> am using a Make project and Xcode has nothing to do with this compile.
> Here is my PVDislocationModulesParaViewImport.cmake file
> --------------------------
> # specify the name of the module
> SET(MODULE_NAME PVDislocationModules)
> # Specify non wrapped sources
> SET (PVDislocationModules_SRCS
>     "${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/vtkDislReaderLE.cxx"
> )
> # specify the sources that should be wrapped
> SET(PVDislocationModules_WRAPPED_SRCS
>     "${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/vtkFCCGlidePlaneFilter.cxx"
>     "${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/vtkBurgerVectorFilter.cxx"
>     "${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/vtkParadisReader.cxx"
> )
> #-- Set any include Directories this module needs
> #-- Invoke this macro to add link libraries to PV
> #-- Invoke this Macro to add the sources to paraview and
> #-- wrap them for the client server
> #-- Invoke this macro to include non-wrapped sources in the build
> # Place the package configuration file into the build tree.
> CONFIGURE_FILE(${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME}.xml.in
>                ${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME}.xml @ONLY
> # Place the package configuration file into the build tree.
> CONFIGURE_FILE(${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME}.pvsm.in
>                ${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME}.pvsm @ONLY
> /${MODULE_NAME}.pvsm")
> ---------------------------------------------
> Here is the first part from my GUI XML file
> -------------------------
> <ModuleInterface>
>  <Library name="PVDislocationModules"
> directory="/Users/Shared/OpenSource/pvbuild/bin"/>
>  <ServerManagerFile name="PVDislocationModules.pvsm"/>
> -------------------------------------------------
> And in the same folder is the PVDislocationModules.pvsm File.  Is there
> something wrong with my XML files?
> I can post my ParaView CMakeCache.txt if needed.
> Thanks for any help

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