[Paraview] Compile Errors with ParaView and my own Modules

Mike Jackson mike.jackson at imts.us
Sun Nov 12 09:56:16 EST 2006

I am trying to have my own libraries compiled into ParaView but I am getting
an error that I think is related to the XML files.

 I know that everything works as a separate library because I can compile up
everything, launch ParaView, select "Import Package", select my package xml
file and then load my data.

I followed the instructions in the ParaView Book to create the
XXXParaViewImport.cmake file. I then went through ccmake and setup
everything in there and then stated compiling.

Here is the error:

-- Generate module: rendering
-- Generate module: writers
Cannot extract module name from the file:
make[2]: *** [Servers/ServerManager/vtkSMGeneratedModules.h] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Servers/ServerManager/CMakeFiles/vtkPVServerManager.dir/all]
Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

This is on OS X (10.4.8) with the latest Dev Tools (Xcode 2.4.1) although I
am using a Make project and Xcode has nothing to do with this compile.

Here is my PVDislocationModulesParaViewImport.cmake file
# specify the name of the module
SET(MODULE_NAME PVDislocationModules)

# Specify non wrapped sources
SET (PVDislocationModules_SRCS

# specify the sources that should be wrapped

#-- Set any include Directories this module needs

#-- Invoke this macro to add link libraries to PV

#-- Invoke this Macro to add the sources to paraview and
#-- wrap them for the client server

#-- Invoke this macro to include non-wrapped sources in the build

# Place the package configuration file into the build tree.
               ${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME}.xml @ONLY

# Place the package configuration file into the build tree.
               ${PVDislocationModules_SOURCE_DIR}/${MODULE_NAME}.pvsm @ONLY



Here is the first part from my GUI XML file
 <Library name="PVDislocationModules"
 <ServerManagerFile name="PVDislocationModules.pvsm"/>

And in the same folder is the PVDislocationModules.pvsm File.  Is there
something wrong with my XML files?

I can post my ParaView CMakeCache.txt if needed.

Thanks for any help
Mike Jackson   Senior Research Engineer
Innovative Management & Technology Services

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