[SPAM_PROBABLE] - [Paraview] Common problems with Ensight files in ParaView - Bayesian Filter detected spam

Benjamin REVEILLE benjamin.reveille at ifp.fr
Thu Jun 29 03:38:17 EDT 2006

Hello Renato

Some comments + 1 addition

1) PGI also supports form="binary" at least I've used it in >= PGI 5.1.

2) This is interesting I did not know about the CONVERT='BIG_ENDIAN' 
which I guess is non standard so compiler dependent and therefore non 

6) Lookmarks have also always crashed for me.

8) "New": Leading white spaces in ensight Ascii files not supported c.f. 
Bug *#1878*.

Renato N. Elias wrote:
> Guys,
> I'll list some problems related to Ensight's format with ParaView that I
> have observed since I started using ParaView. The intention of this post is
> not to reclaim anything. It's just to help PV beginners as well as collect
> some experiences from other ParaView/Ensight users:
> 1) ParaView is not able to open Ensight's binary files written by Fortran
> programs as UNFORMATTED. Thus, if you're a Fortran programmer, you
> ***MUST*** open your files as BINARY (form="binary"), otherwise ParaView
> will not work properly. NOTE: Only some newer Fortran compilers (e.g.
> Intel's Fortran) support binary files;
> 2) If you're worried about changing the "byte order" every time you're
> loading an Ensight's binary file and if you're programming in Fortran, I'd
> suggest you open your files with the byte order previously defined, e.g.,
> open(unit=iens,file='foo.geo',form='binary',CONVERT='BIG_ENDIAN')
> 3) There are lots of filters in PV 2.4.3 version that has not been working
> fine (or even disabled) -- a list of the disabled filters can be found in
> previous posts. It seems the PV team has been re-developing the Ensight's
> readers since the PV 2.2.1. Thus, if you're looking for a ParaView version
> more stable with Ensight's formats, I guess, you should go through PV 2.2.1;
> 4) When working in parallel, the Ensight's server-of-server format (SOS)
> only work to load a dataset and do some basic things. Some filters such as
> "Append datasets", "Clean to grid" and further resources like: animate
> transient datasets are not available yet;
> 5) If you're writing a Ensight's SOS file from a program (like me), be sure
> that you're not putting extra blank spaces after the name of the case files.
> I spent a good time comparing almost equal files in order to understand what
> was going wrong. For example: 
> machine id: localhost
> executable: ensight7.server
> directory:
> login id:
> casefile: "foo_4_00.case                           "
> Is different than
> machine id: localhost
> executable: ensight7.server
> directory:
> login id:
> casefile: "foo_4_00.case"
> 6) Lookmark doesn't seem to work with Ensight's format. In all my tries PV
> crashed :-(
> 7) An issue to be asked to the list: Has anyone got success in animating
> more than 1000 time steps with ParaView and Ensight's files?
> I can't remember nothing more but other issues are welcome ;-)
> Renato N. Elias
> ===============================================
> PhD student - http://www.nacad.ufrj.br/~rnelias
> High Performance Computing Center
> Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
> Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
> +55(21) 2562-8080 
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 Benjamin Réveillé               

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