[Paraview] AMR DataSet Unstructured

Amr Abdel Aziz amr.maillists at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 18:23:05 EDT 2006

I want to generate an Isosurface on an AMR Unstructured Dataset .

I use the VTM Files (vtkHierarchicalDataset) to group the files , i can't
put each cube in a single file cause i have a round of  32000 Cube , and the
grouping of them in lower number of files is a very difficult tasks and i
don't know how to represent it in the vti file format.

In other words , I want to represent an Unstructured gird (adaptive octree )
in a structured file format, to enable me to extract an isosurface from it
using Paraview AMR filters

Can Any one help , please
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