[Paraview] RE : Filter problem

Marcotte, Jean-Philippe Jean-Philippe.Marcotte at imi.cnrc-nrc.gc.ca
Wed Jun 21 15:25:28 EDT 2006

Actually, the following filter are not activated in 2.4 but were un 2.0:
- Append Attributes
- Append Datasets
- Delaunay2D 
- Group Parts
- Pick
- Reflection
- Tessellate
Thank you!


De: Marcotte, Jean-Philippe
Date: mer. 2006-06-21 14:45
À: paraview at paraview.org
Objet : Filter problem 


Is it possible that a problem with the filters was introduced in Paraview version 2.4, using  Ensight Gold files (.case files)?   For example, I try to use the "Reflection" filter on a date set, but this filter is not activated in version 2.4, but with the same data set, using version 2.0 and 2.2 the filter is activated...  Some other filter are also deactivated, see the two picture attached...

Thank you!


<<Paraview2.0_filter.jpg>> <<Paraview2.24_filter.jpg>> 

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