[Paraview] Widget Property

Amy Squillacote amy.squillacote at kitware.com
Wed Jun 21 08:43:49 EDT 2006

Hi Kent,

Please see my comments interspersed through your e-mail.

Kent Eschenberg wrote:
> The 2006 edition of "The Guide" , in 17.1, "User Interface XMl", shows "property" having values like IntVectorProperty, DoubleVectorProperty, and so on.
> But on p.244 it says that property "...must match that of the name attribute of the corresponding server manager property."
Sorry for the confusion. Read the next sentence on p. 244:
"Only the type name of the associated server manager property (i.e., the 
server manager property's class name with "vtkSM" removed) will be 
listed as a */description /*of the property attribute for each widget." 
(emphasis added)

The *value *of the property attribute "...must match that of the name 
attribute of the corresponding server manager property." 
IntVectorProperty, DoubleVectorProperty, etc. are listed to show you 
what type of server manager property this widget uses.
> Version 2.4.3's file GUI/Client/Resources/Filters.xml seems to follow the rule on p.244.
> What's the general rule for property and setting the type of value returned by a widget?
> FYI, Filters.xml tries to set MaskPoint's Offset thumbwheel "proeprty".
That's a typo and should be corrected.  I'll fix it.

- Amy
> Kent
> Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
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