[Paraview] Re: Paraview not recognizing filter; adjusting input parameters

shawn mckenzie shawn.mcknezie at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 14:11:15 EDT 2006

Hi all,
I had made a previous post indicating that i could get Paraview to recognize
the vtkTextureMapToPlane filter. Following the correction, I now have
widgets allowing for Manual/Automatic plane generation along with input
variables for the origin, point1, and point2 to specify the plane.
The problem: accepting the filter simply copies the imageData, rather than
projecting it. When i change the projection points, the image is copied to
the same original location (does not recognize the changes, or the original
I have read posts in the vtk archives that do exactly what i would like
(project image to DEM) and have followed accordingly, with little success.
Has anyone implimented this filter, or have any suggestion/workarounds?

On 6/5/06, shawn mckenzie <shawn.mcknezie at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have the filter now accepting in Paraview, my syntax was incorrect int
> the sm and .xml files:
> eg.
> <InputMenu trace_name="Input" property="Input"
>               source_list="Input"
>               label="Input"
>               help="Set the input for this filter."
>               input_name="Input"
>    </InputMenu>
> should be one line:
> <InputMenu trace_name="Input" property="Input" source_list="Input"
> label="Input" help="Set the input for this filter." input_name="Input" />
> On 6/5/06, shawn mckenzie < shawn.mcknezie at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > I am attempting to allow texture mapping in Paraview (image file to
> > plane/DEM). I have created the servermanager and xml interface classes for
> > vtkTextureMapToPlane but when i load Paraview they do not appear in the
> > Filter menu.
> > When i attempt to import the filter it does not appear as an object.
> >
> > If anyone has included this filter previously, or has suggestions
> > regarding my syntax or problems could you let me know?
> > Any help appreciated, thanks
> >
> > shawn
> >
> >
> > <ModuleInterfaces>
> >  <ServerManagerFile name="TextureMapToPlane.pvsm"/>
> >  <Module name="TextureMapToPlane"
> >          root_name="mapToPlane"
> >          replace_input="0"
> >          menu_name="Texture Map: Plane"
> >          module_type="Filter"
> >          long_help="maptoPlane"
> >          short_help="maptoPlane">
> >    <Filter class="vtkTextureMapToPlane">
> >      <Input name="Input"
> >             class="vtkImageData"/>
> >    </Filter>
> >    <InputMenu trace_name="Input" property="Input"
> >               source_list="Input"
> >               label="Input"
> >               help="Set the input for this filter."
> >               input_name="Input"
> >    </InputMenu>
> >    <VectorEntry trace_name="Normal" property="Normal" type="float"
> > length="3" label="Normal" help="Set the normal vector."
> > input_name="Normal"/>
> >    <VectorEntry trace_name="SRange" property="SRange" type="float"
> > length="2" label="SRange" help="Select range in the S direction."
> > input_name="SRange"/>
> >    <VectorEntry trace_name="TRange" property="TRange" type="float"
> > length="2" label="TRange" help="Select range in the T direction."
> > input_name="TRange"/>
> >    <Documentation>
> >                   To Come
> >    </Documentation>
> >  </Module>
> > </ModuleInterfaces>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > <ServerManagerConfiguration>
> >        <ProxyGroup name="filters">
> >                <SourceProxy name="TextureMapToPlane"
> > class="vtkTextureMapToPlane">
> >                         <InputProperty
> >                             name="Input"
> >                             command="SetInput">
> >                             <DataTypeDomain name="input_type">
> >                                 <DataType value="vtkImageData"/>
> >                             </DataTypeDomain>
> >                             <ProxyGroupDomain name="groups">
> >                                 <Group name="sources"/>
> >                                 <Group name="filters"/>
> >                            </ProxyGroupDomain>
> >                         </InputProperty>
> >                         <DoubleVectorProperty name="Normal"
> > command="SetNormal" number_of_elements="3" default_values="0 0 1">
> >                           <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
> >                         </DoubleVectorProperty>
> >                         <DoubleVectorProperty name="SRange"
> > command="SetSRange" number_of_elements="2" default_values="0 1">
> >                           <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
> >                         </DoubleVectorProperty>
> >                         <DoubleVectorProperty name="TRange"
> > command="SetTRange" number_of_elements="2" default_values="0 1">
> >                           <DoubleRangeDomain name="range"/>
> >                         </DoubleVectorProperty>
> >                </SourceProxy>
> >        </ProxyGroup>
> > </ServerManagerConfiguration>
> >
> >
> >
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